This is our precious Que Typp

Monday, April 27, 2009

The River Church:(Easter week 2009) We had the privilege of Leading worship(with Tina's help) at Pastor Dan Sturgill's church in West Palm Beach. It was his wedding anniversary so he took his wife out and gave us the whole service to do. Jennifer gave her testimony in place of the sermon. We received good feedback and we're humbled by the whole experience

As we traveled through Georgia today we saw a sign for "gas, cafe and gospel singing". That was all one location. No kidding. Maybe we will sing there someday!
  We also passed the Uncle Rhemus Museum. Way cool. Another night at our favorite campground, Walmart!
  Jennifer is posed in memory of her Dad who often posed this way.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weary road warriors here. Another night in another Walmart. God keeps providing a safe haven for us. We are in Macon Georgia slowly heading north. We will get to visit with Jennifer's brother Howie and the kids next weekend!

Psalm17:5  Uphold my steps in Your paths, That my footsteps may not slip

Friday, April 24, 2009

Getting started

      Smitty and Jennifer

Jane and Jim came over for a proper pot of tea today then jane helped us set up our blog.